Practice Areas
On December 6, 2024, Lexington's Urban County Council signed an agreement to support a new regional economic development initiative called the Central Kentucky Business Park Authority. McBrayer Member Anne-Tyler Morgan and Associate Neal Morris played significant roles in helping to establish this new business park, which will be located in Berea, KY. This multi-county project is vital for Central Kentucky's efforts to create a strong foundation for job creation and community growth throughout the region. The Lexington Fayette Urban-County Government, the City of Berea, Madison County, and Scott County have all contributed to this investment and will manage the 300-acre park, which is currently known as Menelaus Industrial Park in Berea.
McBrayer’s economic development team offers practical legal assistance to businesses aiming to establish or grow their presence in Kentucky. The team prides itself on having cultivated strong connections with both state and local authorities, which are essential in obtaining the economic development incentives best suited for a client’s project.
Click here to watch an introductory video to the Central Kentucky Business Park Authority: