McBrayer PLLC Member Keeana Sajadi Boarman has been named to the Commerce Lexington Executive Board for 2023. She will serve on the Executive Board as an At-Large Member.
Commerce Lexington, Inc., was formed in 2004 with a mission “to represent our members, creating the environment and opportunity for economic prosperity and quality living in Central Kentucky.” Its economic growth initiatives include promoting job creation and workforce development, supporting entrepreneurial start-ups and minority-owned business developments, and expanding and retaining existing businesses in the community.
The Commerce Lexington Executive Board serves as the fiduciary board, as well as serving as the organization’s overall governing body. Ms. Boarman has served on the Commerce Lexington Board of Directors since 2019; 2023 is her first year serving on the Executive Board.
“McBrayer attorneys excel at finding ways to give back to their communities, and Keeana is no exception,” said Managing Member James H. Frazier, III. “We know that her talents will be put to excellent use in this new leadership role, and we are very proud of all that she has achieved and will continue to accomplish for the Lexington business community in her work with Commerce Lex.”