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McBrayer Blogs

Showing 5 posts from April 2015.

Why Your Property Management Business Needs a Lawyer

A wise move when performing regular commercial transactions with members of the public is to organize or incorporate that business to limit one’s personal liability in the event problems occur. This is especially true in the area of rental property, where transactions and adverse actions can be emotionally charged. What landlords and property managers may not know is that they cannot, by law, represent their own business interests in court in Kentucky if the business is organized or incorporated as a separate entity. More >

The Basics of Filing a Private Mechanic’s Lien in Kentucky

A mechanic’s lien is an invaluable tool for contractors and others who supply labor or materials for improvements to real property. In its most basic sense, a mechanic’s lien provides security for these groups so that they are not left at the mercy of a defaulting contractor or property owner. The discussion set forth herein only addresses the requirements for filing and perfecting a mechanic’s lien against a privately owned parcel of real property. The requirements for filing and perfecting a public improvement lien differ from those discussed below. More >

Subdividing Land

When we think of subdivisions, we generally think of large housing estates with a house on each lot, but technically the subdivision of land means the creation of saleable lots by splitting a tract into smaller parcels. In communities that have adopted land use regulations, the subdivision of property is typically handled by submitting a subdivision plat to the planning commission in the jurisdiction where the property is located. The subdivision of land is considered a ministerial matter. This means that if the proposal meets the minimum requirements of the zone in which it is located, the planning commission must approve it. Unlike rezoning of property, which requires notice to surrounding property owners and a full due process hearing, a subdivision plat does not trigger notice and hearing procedures. Typically all that is required is submission of a subdivision plat that meets the minimum requirements set out in the zoning ordinance and land subdivision regulations as well as the payment of a processing fee. Under Kentucky law, the planning jurisdiction has the power to assign the review and approval of subdivision plats to a staff person. After a plat is approved, it is recorded in the county clerks’ office. A recorded subdivision plat creates the new lots. No new lot can be sold until after the subdivision plat is recorded. More >

Tenants are Left in the Cold after the Sunset of the Protecting Tenants in Foreclosure Act

Posted In Landlord, Tenant

For a time, the Protecting Tenants in Foreclosure Act of 2009 (“the Act”) provided some protection for tenants against foreclosures on a landlord’s property. The law gave tenants in foreclosed properties protections against successors in interest of the property. The law was set to expire in 2012, but Congress extended the provisions to December 31, 2014. Efforts to re-extend the law failed, and it is now expired. This is bad news for tenants of residential real estate whose landlords face foreclosure, as now state law applies in absence of federal protectionHispanic couple outside home for rents. More >

The Role of the Comprehensive Plan in Land Use Planning

Posted In Land Use Law

The comprehensive plan is the most important tool in land use planning. In its most basic function, it provides a roadmap for the development of a community’s most limited resource, the land itself. More than just a rigid set of directions, however, the comprehensive plan lays out a community’s vision for the future, providing guidance as to how the community will grow and thrive while striking an appropriate balance between competing uses. More >

Lexington, KYLouisville, KYFrankfort, KYFrankfort, KY: MML&K Government Solutions