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Showing 3 posts in Hospitalists.

Beyond Making the Rounds: Hospitalists & Quality of Care under the ACA, cont.

On Tuesday, I discussed how hospitalists play a vital role in meeting the ACA's  quality of care standards for the inpatient setting. Now, let's take a look at how PCPs must also work to meet these same standards. More >

Beyond Making the Rounds: Hospitalists & Quality of Care under the ACA

By now, everyone knows the Affordable Care Act’s (“ACA”) motto is “increase quality, decrease costs.” As providers transition from the fee for service payment model to new payment systems that are tied to quality, one subset of providers will play a pivotal role in bringing health care into a new era: hospitalists. More >

Sound Inpatient’s Unsound Practices Lead to $14.5 Million Settlement

On July 3, 2013, the United States Department of Justice announced Sound Inpatient Physicians, Inc. (“Sound Inpatient”) will pay $14.5 million dollars to settle allegations that it over-billed Medicare and other federal health care programs. The Washington-based company employs more than 700 hospitalists and post-acute physicians to facilities in twenty-two states. More >

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