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McBrayer Blogs

Showing 8 posts from May 2013.

NLRB's Poster Rule Struck Down by D.C. Circuit

On May 7, the U.S. District Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia struck down a National Labor Relations Board (“NLRB”) ruling that would have required millions of private employers, both union and non-union, to put up posters alerting employees of their rights under the National Labor Relations Act (“NLRA”). The poster informed employees of their right to join and/or form a union, collectively bargain with employers, and act jointly to improve wages or working conditions. More >

OSHA Looking Out for Temporary Workers’ Safety

The summer months often spur an influx in the hiring of temporary workers throughout the region. Unfortunately, some employers do not have programs in place to ensure proper training and compliance with safety standards for employees who are not on the path to permanent employment. Seeking to remedy this scenario, on April 29, 2013, the U.S. Department of Labor’s Occupational Safety and Health Administration (“OSHA”) released a memo detailing their new initiative to protect temporary employees from workplace hazards. More >

Tightening the Belt & Loosening Enforcement: Effects of the Sequester on Employment Issues

In the months before it took effect, there was a great deal of political finger-pointing and intense debates on the looming sequester. The sequester, a plan implemented through the Budget Control Act of 2011, affects every “program, project and activity” of the federal government by reducing funding to the aforementioned. The cuts aim to save $1.2 trillion over ten years, with defense and domestic discretionary spending both on the chopping block. This year, $85 million dollars will be saved from a requested outlay of $3.803 trillion dollars. More >

Contemplate Before You Terminate: Rules of Termination

Donald Trump makes it look easy. With a simple statement (“You’re fired!”), the employee gets up and exits the boardroom. And like that, the underachiever is nixed from the show, ushered into a limo, and never seen again (at least, until the “All-Star” season). If only the real world was that easy. The decision to terminate an employee can give any employer anxiety, even if it is undoubtedly for the betterment of the business. This sense of dread is not without warrant; termination can be a legal landmine. Even terminating “at-will” employees requires cautious consideration. You can cover your bases, though, by carefully drafting policies, adhering to procedures, and relying on some common sense. Before any action is taken, review these simple rules that can protect you from a lawsuit. More >

Association Group Coverage Changes

Trade Associations in Kentucky are being asked to show that they meet ERISA “bona fide association” requirements in order to continue to provide group health insurance for their members under health reform requirements effective in 2014.  Such group health insurance may be a more affordable option for some businesses as new health reform requirements begin to take effect. More >

Twitter: Little Statements with Big Consequences for Companies, cont.

Earlier this week, I gave some advice on how to protect your business’s Twitter account. The hijacking of a Twitter account can have an incredibly negative impact on your business. If you missed it, review the advice I offered in my earlier post and consider these additional steps. More >

Twitter: Little Statements with Big Consequences for Companies

Twitter is under attack. In recent months, accounts belonging to media giants CBS, BBC, and NPR have all been temporarily taken over by hackers. The Associated Press is the most recent victim. On April 23, 2013, a false statement about explosions at the White House and the President being injured sent shock waves through the Twitter-sphere. The real surprise is the effect the single tweet had in the real world: the Standard & Poor’s 500 Index dropped so sharply moments after the frightening tweet that $136 billion in market value was wiped out. While the hacking of these massive media outlets make headlines, everyday businesses are not safe from the threat, either. In February of this year, a hacker changed the @BurgerKing feed to resemble that of McDonald's, putting the McDonald's logo in place of Burger King's. The hackers posted offensive claims about company employees and practices. If accounts belonging to well-established companies like these are vulnerable, so is yours. If a tweet can have a profound impact on the nation’s stock market, imagine what an ill-contrived tweet could do to your business. More >

Another Facebook Case, Another Lesson Learned, cont.

On Monday, you learned the basic facts of a new Facebook/employer-related ruling out of New Jersey. How did the court rule? The New Jersey federal court held that the plaintiff’s deletion of his Facebook account during the discovery phase of litigation did constitute spoliation of evidence. The court considered the plaintiff’s action so egregious that it resulted in an “adverse inference” instruction against him at trial. More >

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